Footwear Illustration | Online

The course to develop the ability to vector design footwear models with professional software such as Photoshop, discovering the main techniques for illustration.

How to become a shoe designer mastering digital illustration softwares

The Course

Originality, creativity, and rapidity! These are the key words in fashion illustration, a way of communication that adopts an immediate, highly expressive, and efficient language. The digital illustration enables to make a realistic, simple, and fast representation which can be used in the creative and productive shoe process.

The course’s main goal is to develop skills in drawing vectoral models of footwear using professional software such as Illustrator and Photoshop, realizing sketches, drawings, and compositions in a natural, intuitive manner, discovering the main illustration techniques.

Particularly, starting from a realistic model, the digital illustration permits to obtain a vectoral drawing, using techniques, and working on shapes, textures, and proportions. Setting the work in function of one’s own style and of the product we want to obtain.


This course starts from the basics, preparatory for those who have the inspiration and creativity, but not the technique, as well as for those that are able in freehand drawing and are looking for a suitable and efficient solution to express their creativity improving their own skills.
No drawing skills are required.

Educational programme

  • Footwear design with easily modifiable sketches
  • Different patterns
  • Drawing footwear from different angles
  • Shading base techniques
  • Rendering volumes and materials
  • Drawing details
  • Vector technical design with different digital rendering techniques to represent footwear in a technical, precise, and even illustrative way

Tools and material provided to students

Live sessions with Fashion professionals, multimedia educational material, practical exercises, live chat with students, personalized counselling.

TYPE Online Course - On Demand

DURATION 12 hours


Basic – intermediate

Degree awarded:
Attendance certificate, with accreditation of acquired skills.
(possibility of earning 1 university credit)

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Material and tools needed

  • Computer with updated operational system
  • Adobe Photoshop software
  • Digital tablet (optional)
  • Chrome web-browser (Firefox, Safari)
  • Microphone (external microphone or headphones with microphone)
  • Headphones or headset
  • Webcam
  • Internet connection (ADSL / 4g / Optical fibre) – [min. band recommended 3 Mb/s]

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