Qualifications Awarded

The legal value of the qualifications issued by Istituto Modartech

Academic Degree (International University Standard)

The MUR – Italian Ministry of University and Research has authorized the Istituto Modartech to issue first level academic degrees within the AFAM field – Higher Education in Art, Music and Dance. The first course to receive this title of studies is the three-year course in Fashion Design, a post-diploma course for students holding a High School Certificate and who are looking for a cutting-edge artistic, cultural and specialised training, to acquire strategic disciplinary skills and a project methodology.
The Academic Degree is a study title equivalent to a bachelor’s degree.

Qualification legally recognized at European level (EQF standard)

Modartech Institute has adopted the “Acknowledgment System and Skills Certification” (in the European Framework of Qualifications), as an ideal instrument which guarantees to its own students a title legally recognized but above all, capable of certifying the approach to competences (“knowing and knowing how to”) typical of mainly specialised courses that Modartech offers. The approach to competences permits to involve teachers and experts coming from all over the world. It favours the dialogue with the world of companies, which has always been Modartech Institute’s strengths.
The multi-annual and annual courses release a Professional Qualification, study title obtained at the end of a training course organized by an Accredited Instituted of the Tuscan Region and after attending specific Courses Recognized by public entities because they are planned and held according to professional indications present in the Regional repertoire, with the acquisition of specialised Skills.

Learning declaration

The short-term courses permit to obtain a recognized qualification because at the end the Modartech Institute – as a body accredited by the Tuscan Region – after passing the foreseen verification tests, issues not just a simple Attendance Certificate but the Learning Declaration which certifies the achievement of one or more skills which can after contribute to compose a whole professional figure.