LINK | Legami Creativi

The visual project of the students of the Communication Design Course dedicated to the Covid-19 emergency.

During the Covid-19 emergency, everyone redesigned their daily lives by living with the lack of a hug or a handshake, the warmth of a smile or the possibility of planning a trip or an ice cream with friends.

Ties that have not been lost, but simply need to be rebuilt.

The project LEGAMI CREATIVI, the visual challenge launched to the students of the Three-year Undergraduate Communication Design Course, is based on the need to reconnect lost bonds.

The challenge launched to the creatives was to design a suggestive visual path that communicated the lost ties and the sensations experienced in the emergency period. The format chosen to convey the message is that of the graphic CARD.

The students used graphic design techniquesvisual communication and graphic design to create personalized CARDS.

The cards have been designed with vector graphicsphoto collagedigital illustration, up to animated gifs and mini video clips.

The result is a visual storytelling of emotions, shortcomings, hopes, present and future thoughts represented with simplicity, irony and a pinch of provocation.

For more information on Communication Design and Web & Graphic Design courses, send an email to or contact us directly on 0587 58458.