Two students of the Fashion Design course finalists of the Thierry Rabotin contest

Federica Barsetti and Giulia Barbieri awarded at MICAM Milano.

Federica Barsetti and Giulia Barbieri awarded at MICAM Milano for the international shoes contest “Design Your Thierry Rabotin”.

On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary, Thierry Rabotin launched an international contest on fashion shoes for all aspiring stylists: “Design Your Thierry Rabotin“.

Our talented students of the Fashion Design Course have accepted the challenge sketching a new shoe model designed for the female audience, innovative and comfortable in line with the trends of the leading Italian brand for elegant and feminine footwear.

Tra le proposte presentate sono spiccate quelle di Federica Barsetti e Giulia Barbieri, selezionate come finaliste del concorso da una prestigiosa giuria composta da stilisti, giornalisti e membri dell’azienda Thierry Rabotin.

Federica Barsetti e Giulia Barbieri hanno ottenuto il 2 ° e il 3 ° posto al concorso e sono state premiate dalla giuria il 19 febbraio durante MICAM Milano, la principale fiera internazionale del settore calzaturiero.

For more information on the courses of the Fashion Area, consult the cards of the courses in Fashion Design or send an email to

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